Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Winston's Job

In the book 1984, Winston's job is in the Ministry of truth where he rewrites and corrects the past to make sure history is what the party wants it to be. Winston makes sure that history corresponds with the parties beliefs, even if that means completely erasing things that the party doesn't want people to know.

In my opinion, this is just like our government. During the Socratic seminar on Friday we talked about how our government has secrets too. They do not necessarily erase or rewrite the past but they do tell us what they want us to know in the way they want us to believe it. I believe that the government withholds essential information that would make us think in a different way than they would want us to.

For example, A few weeks ago in Paris there was a "terrorist "attack. In the media they told us it was all Jewish people who were killed, so it was an act of anti-Semitism. While the truth is that it was held in a kosher market, a shop where Jewish people can get foods according to the religious diet. Not all of the victims were Jewish.  The media basically made us think that the terrorist attack was against Jewish people when it was just against that part of town in general.

All in all, 1984's ministry of truth where Winston works is just a heightened exaggeration of our governments secrets and withheld essential information kept from the public.

1 comment:

  1. I understand how you compared this part of the book to our world today. I also see that the book is an extreme version of us. Another example of this is the roll of technology watching us. In 1984 the prolls and constantly monitored and have many restrictions. Compared to our world, we are tracked through phones and watched through any multiple camera. Eventually will our world become 1984?


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