Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

1984 & Us?

I have noticed that in many of the posts on our blog that students are continuously comparing the world in '1984' to our modern world. Yes, there are some similarities but I do not see how we can compare such a fictional world to our real society. Some of us students believe that the government in 1984, or "Big Brother," as the citizens in 1984 call it, has potential to be like our government here in the Untied States. I think this is only partially true because yes we have the technology and surveillance that the government in 1984 does but our government would not use it like Big Brother does.  Another comparison would be the language in 1984; the government in the story changes  words to always gain propaganda to show some positive light on Big Brother. Our government also has that potential with the way they control our government but I do not believe that they would ever do that, especially with the knowledge that some modern scholars have. In conclusion, I believe that yes, our government has the potential to be like the government in 1984 but I do not think it is anywhere near that.


  1. I agree with you, it's mind-blowing to think that our government is so similar to 1984. It's just like how our government is today, just not as dramatic.

  2. I completely agree with you Austin. Our government does not have nearly as much surveillance over us as the people do in 1984. Also, it has taken over two centuries for people to gain the freedoms that they have, and I don't believe our government would throw all of that away just to control what we say and think, and ultimately act like a dictatorship. If we don't want our future to end up like 1984, our world needs to change now before it is too late.

  3. I agree, I do not think our society will ever be as bad as it is in "1984." Our technologies our very similar but our governments are vastly different. Our government is no where near as controlling and I believe we the people will never allow it to be.

  4. I agree as well, the government in 1984 & our government uses similar technology but we are completely different in many ways; for example, the amount of surveillance between the people of 1984 & us. In fact, I too don't see our government being like the government of 1984 in the future, I just don't see it. It would be very difficult for them to do that.

  5. Seeing how we have the technology necessary to be at the level of 1984, I could agree with you Austin. Our government has the potential to be controlling and observing like that of 1984 but they aren't. Yes, our surveillance systems have become more common and "high-tech" but they haven't grown to the furthest extent, such as watching everyone all the time.


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