Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015


In the novel 1984, by George Orwell, one thing the Party does is brainwash and manipulate the citizens of Oceania. The Party does this by getting to the young citizens; in fact, the youth leagues and the spies are examples of how they get to the children.  They turn these young citizens into believing that the Party and Big Brother is great, and to adore and be faithful to them. All the Party wants to do is turn the youth into respectful party members and get them on their team.  What they do to the children is they give them so much propaganda, so they believe everything the Party is telling them.  A great example of this is when Hitler did this to the children in the schools, manipulating the kids into thinking what he wanted them to believe, especially with the propaganda of Nazi Germany.  The party uses the brainwashed children to their advantage; for example, the children will condemn members of their family to the thought police, literally betraying their family and being completely loyal to the Party and Big Brother.  Once the children have been brainwashed and manipulated by Big Brother, they are no longer loyal to anyone but them.  This is really smart by the Party because they know exactly what they are doing and they are using the brainwashing and manipulating to their advantage.  Brainwashing the children of Oceania is a significant way of how the Party rules and controls the people of Oceania.  If everyone is brainwashed by the Party and Big Brother, the Party can practically do whatever they want with no one to stop them in their path.  This nearly makes them unstoppable, which can be quite scary.  It is very difficult for our government to brainwash us because we have many smart and intelligent people in our society and they will not believe what the government is telling them.  The only way for them to accomplish this is to start from the youth.  That itself will be difficult to do because many of the children’s parents will find out what they are learning in school and be totally angry about it because they know it is false, and they will surely do something about it.  In the end, the Party and Big Brother brainwashes and manipulates the citizens of Oceania very well, they use this throughout the novel to their advantage.  

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