Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Reality exists in the human mind, and nowhere else, or does it?

    Reality exists only in the human mind, nowhere else but is it really just a word? Reality is a word we use to say what we're experiencing right now, and that it's real and its where we live. This word reality is just in our heads its not around us, it doesn't exist in a physical form like us. or does it? We use or say this word to other people that this is reality(real) not a dream or your imagination running wild. All we know about reality is what we know and see in our world around us. Like Winston in 1984 the reality he knows is what is around him. His reality is the Government and the telescreens watching them for thought crime. His reality is based on the Government watching them and for them to believe in Big Brother and the party. Our realty is way different or even the same? But our reality is what ever we see it as. If we can see our reality how can we tell the difference from reality and a dream?  When we're dreaming we feel like that's our reality even though its different from our world we know, so why can't we tell the difference between reality and our dream when we know what reality is? so is our world a dream and our dream is our reality or is reality just a word we place on what we think reality is. How do we know that all of this isn't a dream. So what's your option? What do you think our reality is? Is it like Winston's, or is it completely different?

1 comment:

  1. I never thought of reality that way! Sometimes I feel as though the current could possibly be different from someone else's.


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