Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Being Alone. Good or Bad?

I want to start off by saying that society itself expects people to interact with others. Whether it is on social media or in person, everyone is expected to take part of the community. We perceive those who are lonely as outcasts, and naturally believe that their lives are filled with grief and despair. This of course is part of human nature. Personally I do not like being alone because I always feel the need to socialize with others. I am somewhat afraid of loneliness because I feel that I can lose my sense of identity since I wouldn't have people supporting me, pointing out my mistakes, or giving me a different view point. Of course people have the right to be alone, Being alone can actually be helpful at times. It allows a person to keep their mind clear if they find themselves mentally overwhelmed.  Being alone also gives a person an opportunity to learn new things about themselves that they could not otherwise. You can gain insight as an individual by understanding the way you see the world. People have the right to be alone. It makes them feel unique and one of a kind. It blocks them from all the negativity this world has.


  1. I see where you're coming from, but I feel like being alone can actually help you GAIN a sense of your identity. When you're alone, you are there with your own thoughts and your owns feelings. You don't have the opinions of others or the pressures of those who are closest to you weighing you down. You can think for yourself and it is a great time to reflect on your life and whether or not the person you are is the person you want to continue to be. And you're right, being alone does help to clear one's mind, especially at our age when we have so much going on and so much to think about. Being social is definitely important, but I feel like everyone, should have some alone time to escape all the chaos that may be happening in their life.

  2. I believe it's essential and people have the right to be alone. It's a way to restore ourselves and reflect on our feelings. We shouldn't fear it since either way we are born and die alone. This can relate to Winston because all he wanted was to be alone but never was since he was being watched 24/7. I agree with Camille, that at times we need an escape from our surroundings.


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