Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015


                 After the discussion in class about phones being trackers, it got me to realize that there’s more to them. The way I see it, phones are like kids, they cry out when they need you, and you have to make sure they always have power(fuel/food) to run on. Sounds kind of familiar to me. They’re also a HUGE distraction to our society nowadays. I feel like most people worry about how a new phone update will affect the usage of their phone, rather than more important topics such as a terrible breakout of a certain disease that could potentially affect them. It’s not true to for everybody, but I feel like it is for many.

                 More and more I am starting to realize how big of a role my phone plays in my life. Not only is it my form of communication with many, but It is also my biggest form of distraction that takes me away from bonding and creating new experiences. I believe that my phone has been keeping me from learning new things. I have had the opportunity to travel and visit many educational places that could better my knowledge, yet I found myself taking pictures and sending text messages that really took away from the actual learning experience.  I feel like my phone has also kept me from being thankful and communicating with my loved ones.  When I’m at the dinner table, or even out to eat I become too consumed by my phone and I don’t take the time to appreciate the fact that I have food on my plate or that I am fortunate enough to be spending  time with my parents.
I know I’ll probably never stop using my phone, but I would like to start slowly becoming less attached to it. When I didn’t have a phone for nearly a month, my life seemed to get so much harder and just the fact of not having a phone made me feel uneasy. Phones have definitely brought upon bad habits, but the good that comes from them definitely outweighs the bad.


  1. I agree that phones have become a great distraction. They aren't only a form of communication but have become more than that. I usually get consumed by my phone and spend a lot of time on snap chat. It's crazy to realize how it has evolved and is now a tool for surveillance. Anyone can know where we are and who we talk to. But like you said the good outweighs the bad and we can't stop using them.

    1. And that's the crazy thing, that no matter how bad phones are to us we will only ever notice the good.

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  3. I agree with you, I think that phones are starting to become so distracting that they are practically taking over the human race (at least for people in more developed countries anyway). To me I feel like people are seeing their phones as more of a companion or a sidekick. They are starting to replace real life human interactions with interactions that take place over their phone. Phones are definitely beneficial, but I can also see how they have and still are changing human interactions for the worse.


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