Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Is Big Brother Our Future?

Many of us don't seem to think that a government like that of 1984 will become our system. I also agree with this for various reasons, but I can't say I don't have suspicions. With our technology advancing by the minute, it's hard to say what will be next. While the purpose of our technology may be either for entertainment or the work place, who knows how it will be put to use. Much of our gadgets today are wrongly used and that may or may not be the case in the future. I like to think that our government is trustworthy and has only good intentions for our society but does that mean that they will go to a further extent to maintain a civilized or protected society? How far will they go? Will they undergo new systems without our awareness? It's possible that while having good intentions, they will do things that may be out of our comfort zone. On the other hand, we don't have much to worry about right now. The changes we are seeing around the country are advanced yet simple. It's not something that we have to be overly cautious about. I guess what I'm saying is that we shouldn't be quick to assume. We shouldn't be closed minded. If our government is taking actions and many of us are uncomfortable then we should speak up. If we allow small, unusual changes, sooner or later we'll be overwhelmed with greater more dramatic changes in our society.

1 comment:

  1. I do agree with you Briana, if we stay quiet as a society the government will tower over and do whatever they please. If this isn't what we want our government to do to our society, we must speak up and say something.


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