Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Could "1984" be our future?

         The book, "1984," raises many questions, but one of the most asked questions would have to be, "Could this happen to us?"  I for one believe that it could be a possibility and it could happen so slowly and subtlety that no one will even realize when it has become as big as a problem as Big Brother was in "1984."  For example it's 2015 and we know our cell phones can be tracked to find out where we are, places we've been, who we call or text the most, and also our interests.  To this generation it's normal.  Of course it's creepy, but most of us don't mind that much because we've grown up around all of this technology that involves us to willingly give up some of our privacy and we also have the mindset that "I don't have anything to hide anyway."  However the generations before us seem to be more concerned with the government and companies watching us and tracking us than we do.  Which makes me think that in the future when we are all old and have grandchildren and people are getting more and more used to sharing more personal things about themselves online, maybe the government will say, "We are going to start to surveillance everyone just to ensure everyone's safety and prevent any terrorist attacks from the inside."  We will probably freak out and think, "What is the world coming to," but our grandchildren might not think much of it and think, "Okay I don't have anything to hide anyway."  Then maybe when we are long gone and our grandchildren have grandchildren the world as we know it now could be very similar if not identical to the world in the book "1984."


  1. You have some valid points here, however I believe our society here won't turn into the society of 1984 for many reasons. Your point of not having to hide anything is a very valid point. The society that 1984 has is a society where you literally can do nothing at all. You can't think without getting in trouble, exercise without getting in trouble, or love without getting in trouble. If that turned into our society I don't think that would go too well because we've been a very open society where we have specific freedoms that are granted. If those would be taken away from us altogether, I'd say the world we live in would turn into a chaotic mess. I understand the points you made and they're EXTREMELY debatable, but personally I don't believe we'll transform to that society.

  2. As I have been reading 1984 I too have been asking myself if it is possible for the world we live in to become like that of Winston's. Really thinking about this concept I realize that it would be almost impossible for the country we live in to turn into the type of society portrayed in 1984. The rights that each person in this country possesses would be violated, and people won't go for that. In the world of 1984 even thinking isn't something you can do without someone knowing. America worked too hard to create what we have today, and because of this I don't think our society has a chance of becoming like that of 1984's.


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