Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015


     While reading 1984 I couldn't help but keep relating their world back to ours, and I'm positive I'm not the only one that did this. The ideas expressed in the book seems so far out but when you think about it it's really not. Our world does relate back to this book. it's crazy to think that Orwell wrote this book in 1948 about a time much later in the future and it's still accurate. Orwell was and is on to something. We can all sit here and think that our world won't get to that level of totalitarianism that's shown in the book but in reality it's actually possible. I mean when you think about it, when the government in 1984 took over they didn't just lay down their strict laws instantly, they had to progress into the government they became. It seems like we've started, can we progress into the same totalitarian as the one we seen in the book?
     Honestly, I don't think the American people would let this happen, we would revolt once things get too out of hand. Our people are more mindful than the people in 1984, most of us would know when there's wrong doing whereas in 1984 most of the people weren't aware.


  1. I disagree with you. I think that American citizens will allow the government to control us as Big Brother controls its people. I believe this because in my opinion our people rather have safety and protection over freedom. If we want safety our government can provide this but we give up privacy and freedom. We are already giving up privacy by letting the government tap into cameras and having our phones double as trackers. People have realized the government does this but they do not take action to change it and regain their privacy.

  2. Oh yeah, I understand where you say that our people will give up privacy and freedom for safety, I mean to a certain extent, and I would do the same thing, and I'm pretty sure you would to. In my post where I said that our people are more mindful than the people in 1984 I meant that our people would indeed stand up for what's right. It seems like the people in 1984 didn't stand up, well they couldn't. And in the case of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri we seen the unrest there and across the nation. that was caused when the people didn't like what was going on, and we always heard about what happen in the L.A. riots back in the day. So basically when the people have had enough they will stand up for what they believe in.


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