Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Big Brother

    While reading 1984, I realized the freedom and the ability we have to do what we want in our country. Of course we have rules and regulations we have to follow but they are nothing compared to what they have to follow in the book. The rules and regulations we have set up in our society are necessary and seemingly easy to follow, in my opinion. In the book, it seems as if Big Brother is dehumanizing their people by looking down on normal human traits, like exploring their thoughts.  
    In our world, the government watches over us but in an appropriate way to keep us protected. If our government wasn't in place helping run our country it could turn into complete chaos because people could do whatever they pleased. In 1984, It seems as if Big Brother is always watching which takes away the privacy that people need.  Big Brother causes people to live in a bubble and have no voice or say in the way their society is ran.  The government they have in place basically controls every aspect of their lives which I believe is abusing their power as leaders. 

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