Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

How does technology function today? Good or Evil?

During the Socratic Seminar we were unable to discuss question #21 that basically is asking whether technology today is good or bad. I think technology today Is both. The internet started out as technological advance for quicker research and information, and although we still use it for that internet today is mainly used among us teens to play the newest game or go on the newest social media site. I believe the internet is being used less and less for its original purpose just as in the article "That's No Phone. That's My Tracker" we agreed cellphones are being used less and less for their original purpose. Television today is putting a bad influence on our generation. All these new reality tv shows are encouraging violent altercations, sex, drinking, partying, smoking, etc. On the radio, there's rarely a song that comes on that isn't talking about drugs, sex, or shaking your butt. Technology in general is being used less for what it was created for. So yes, there are some downsides to technology but there is also great enjoyment that comes from the music we hear, television we watch, and social media we can't get enough of.


  1. I agree with you Ariel. We're miss abusing our technology; due to that, the government needs to spy on us to make sure were still following the rules. If not they will bust us and send us to jail.

  2. I agree with ariel, but i also feel like people did create these things for a purpose but theyre changing for the "better" as we learn new things, things change. People when they created these things didn't probably intend for them to stay the same but for them to evolve.


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