Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Generation Gap?

In 1984 Big Brother is constantly watching the people through telescreens, the thought police, and children spies. This fictional society is constantly being watched over but so is ours, according to, “That’s No Phone, That’s My Tracker” and “Long Beach Police to Use 400 Cameras Citywide to Fight Crime,” technology has allowed the government to have eyes on us at all times of the day. We may not get chastised for thinking against the government or reprimanded for not exercising but we are still being observed. Does this bother you? Answers vary but generally my peers didn’t care that their cell phones act as a gps or that public cameras record their every move. On the other hand, Ms. Fletcher did care about constantly being watched, as she expressed to our class. Why is this? Does the generation gap affect our outlook on this situation? I believe that we have different opinions on this subject because we have grown up with technology in our hands and understand its pros and cons. We choose to constantly use technology even though we know its cons because we are dependent on its entertainment value because it is always been at our finger tips since a young age. Unlike us, Ms. Fletcher was introduced to technology at a different time in her life when she was less impressionable. Does the timing of the introduction of technology affect our opinion?


  1. I think you may be right about this, Rachel. My peers and I are a little more alarmed by all of this than you kids seem to be. I think that your generation just isn't experienced enough to know what you stand to lose when you lose your right to privacy. You have never had privacy, really.

  2. So is it a problem if we eventually lose our privacy? Because in my opinion our current society is at the beginning of being controlled by a Big Brother power. If we don't find it a problem in our own world, why do my peers have a problem with the 1984 society?


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