Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Is 1984 a replica of our world today?

1984 vs 2015.
These two years happened at completely different time as we can see, we are now currently in 2015 and from reading "1984" I would have to say that the book is somewhat similar to our world today because as of today so much technology has become so advanced that people who are in charge of it of secret agents know where you are at all times. Although we not have big telescreens just like 1984 but we have cellphones which have cameras, in which many people can hack into and look at you. As of right now we're probably being watched through the front face cameras of our cellphones but we just have no clue. 2015 and years before are probably just the start of what 1984 is like. Our world may never come to the fact that we have telescreens or even how for example Winston job is to change the past, but our world to me is probably to become it. However it could be happening right just that we are being blind sided by all the neat and cool gadgets that are being made for us. All I could hope for is that if our world does become similar to 1984 , that we don't loose the fact of how it use to be.


  1. Well of course I agree with you because we both made posts discussing the same idea. But, it's just crazy to think that we're not too far from the world of 1984, although their technology is more radical, our technology still has somewhat of the same concepts. We just need to be mindful of what's going on.

  2. I agree with you on the fact that our society is headed in the direction of the 1984 society. Technology runs our lives when you think about it. As technology continues to get more and more advanced the easier it will be to create devices or gadgets to see or track what we are doing. I feel that we are paving the way to a society where we are always being watched but fortunately I don't think it will actually happen for many years to come.


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