Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015


   Technology is a huge part of our everyday lives and a lot of us feel as if we can't live without these technological devices.  The scary part about it is that the more we feel we want or need these gadgets the more advanced our technology will continue to get.  Even our phones are so advanced that we can be tracked based on the data stored in them. So as technology continues to thrive it makes me realize the possibilities in the advances we can begin to make in years to come. For example, maybe one day telescreens will be a part of our normal lives and we will constantly be watched. 1984 seems like more of a foreshadow of what our world can become rather than just a book about a completely controlling government.
    1984 is very eye opening for me because it made me look at how much technology can make a difference in the world.  Technology getting more advanced isn't a bad thing at all but if used the wrong way it can spiral out of control and become a way of controlling our every move.  I see the book as more of a warning to us so that we take note of what is going on around us and make sure we use our resources for good rather than bad.  As a whole, I feel our society has to be more aware of how we use the technology we are given to prevent something like 1984 from happening in the future.

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