Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Nightmarish Vision

Orwell's’ warning has become more powerful with the passage of time, since we can now compare it to our world. The phrase “Big Brother is watching” has become more significant in our society.
Now in day, we don’t have as much privacy as we may think. Our phones and social networks have deprived us from a lot of information and gave it out to the public. You never know when a creeper may be looking into your information. There have also been recent hacks like the icloud and sony hacks where the information was stolen. It’s scary to know someone may be looking at you right now from your webcam. So it’s difficult to know if we really are “alone”.
Another similarity of 1984 with our world is the language Newspeak. “It’s vocabulary was so constructed as to give exact and often very subtle expression to every meaning that a Party member could properly wish to express…”. Can’t we relate to this, when we text? In fact, I know when I text I just write “TTYL” since it’s a hassle to write the whole phrase “Talk to you later”. We have created many acronyms like OMG,ILY, or LMAO to express ourselves. We may not use “ungood” or “doubleplusungood” but we still have our constructed language. It’s crazy how we have created many words/sayings that other generations may had not known.Imagine our sayings in the next years.
Our world and Orwell’s negative utopia have become so similar, to an extent, that it’s frightful to imagine how it will be in the future.   


  1. I completely agree with you because I feel that everyday day we are slowly becoming more and more like the world In Oceania which is somewhat scary because I would not like to be watched. In my opinion, Big Brother is a stricter version than that of today's communism countries.

  2. Although I completely agree with you Estefany, I do not believe that it is such a negative affect. Yes, I would love my privacy and freedom, but in our society we don't have that due to the technology. However, I love the fact that we have the technology. We can research almost anything in the click of a button, even though we might be watched or not so private. But I think that the technological advances out weigh the negative affects of having our history saved for ever or getting our photos hacked. If I have nothing to hide, I wouldn't mind, as long as our technology advances.

  3. This is real, you got all of the points I can think about. Privacy is being invaded and we don't even know. People don't realize that so they don't really care, but some people know but still don't do anything because they have no power in the situation.

  4. Our world has is slowing starting to mirror the world of 1984 and it is a scary sight to see. The advance in technology isn't such a bad thing though as it has another side to it. If we have nothing to hide then what should we fear?


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