Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Winston's Shoes

           In the novel 1984 Winston Smith lives in a society that the governemt watches his every step, and monitors his every thought, and does so with no escape. To think about it, living in such a society would be terrible, and I am no sure that any one of us would be able to do so.
           The government that Winston lives under makes it impossible for him to perform simple tasks such as thinking badly about them, or even write in a journal. Thinking about this, I asked myself how I could possibly go through what Winston does on a daily basis, and it is simply impossible. All of the daily routines that I go through, from thinking, to using the internet, are already against the rules under this type of government, and would drive me insane. I know that I would not be able to live knowing that my thoughts were being monitored by a higher power, and anything that I think can cause me to be killed. Thought is the biggest part of a persons day, and this type of government rids of free thought, making a day in that society so much harder. 
           By reading this book and giving it some thought, I believe that I would not be able to live in the society that Winston does, not even for one second. If the world we lived in started to become what the world of Winston's is I would try to leave as fast a possible. I could not possibly deal with constant supervision, and that extreme governemnt control. 

Could you?


  1. Adam, I completely agree with you. I don't think that I would be able to deal with that type of environment very long either. But in Winston and the other people in the book's case, they don't know any different so it doesn't bother them as much as it would you and me. Take for example us and our parents. We can barely go a class period without checking our phones at least once, while most of our parents didn't even have a cell phone until their 20s. And it didn't bother them, because they didn't know any different.

  2. Shannon, I was thinking about the same concept of it being completely new to me, which would make the situation of a "big brother" even more awkward to me. I think that if it was the only thing that I ever knew, then I would probably have a different mind set, but because of the type of society we live in I just can't wrap my mind around the concept. Let's just say things would be TOTALLY different and I wouldn't like it.


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