Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Freedom and 1984

     Ever since I finished 1984, I've had the same reoccurring thought come up; could our society ever be anything like the society 1984 envisions?  That is, a society where there are authority-like figures and technology who restrict average people from thinking, acting, living freely.  Big Brother is behind everyone's restricted freedom and harsh lifestyles.  It is to such an extreme that there is even a rebellion called The Brotherhood, whose goal is to destroy the opposing party.  During the Socratic seminar, people had constantly said that our way of life "is a milder version of 1984".  Both sides have points to them, so it did make for an interesting topic during the Socratic seminar.  However, I feel as though a lot would have to change in order to become even slightly similar to 1984.
     In 1984, we are introduced to Winston, who would most likely be described as an anti-social person who doesn't care for the rules Big Brother sets.  We find that throughout the entire story, he thinks against Big Brother, sometimes even breaking their laws by writing in a diary and reading a book written by Goldstein(founder of The Brotherhood).  If Winston were to live in our society, he would be considered an average person.  That being said, our population greatly exceeds our government.  The government is highly reliant on the people and the reverse as well.
     During the Socratic seminar, a lot was said about our phones and technology being traceable.  I feel this is only needed to ensure the safety of all people.  I also feel that constant checks on everyone's search history and phone calls should be disregarded, as it's to combat the WAR ON TERROR!  Let's say for example, you are planning to do something bad on a federal/county-wide level; you will most likely be intercepted and eventually tried for that crime; thank's to the government's new developing ways of monitoring communication.
     Do you as a citizen of the United States of America prefer Privacy or Peace?    

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