Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, January 26, 2015

Thought police

        The novel 1984 written by George Orwell portrays a society that is constantly under governmental supervision, and punishment. One aspect that this novel puts forth that intrigues me is the idea of the Thought Police, and thier way of punishing members of society. The Thought Police has a way of knowing your thoughts, and using them against you for punishment. How they do, I have no clue, but just the concept of the Thought Police makes me think a little more. 
        I know that if I were to know that my thoughts are monitored by the government and those thoughts could jeopardize my life, I would think twice before I think (which makes almost no sense). Winston Smith knows that the things he thinks about will get him in trouble, it's just a matter of when, but he does such thinking anyway. Winston does not care about the Thought Police even though they hold so much authority over him, but for what reason? Simply because Winston knows he can't escape the Thought Police, so there is no point in holding thoughts in. The society we live in can get to this point in technology later down the road. Would it change the way you think? It would definitely cause me think about different things. 

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