Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Technology Has Eyes

    In our world today there are many controversial topics that we think about. And one topic that is constantly on our minds is whether or not we are really being watched. Our technology today has advanced greatly and it definitely does have an impact on our world today. Some people argue that our technology is getting out of hand because of all the things it can do. And others argue that our technology is beneficial and amazing. But in my opinion I believe it's a little bit of both. 
    For example, in the article "That's No Phone. That's My Tracker" by Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopalan explain that our phones do more than just text, call and take pictures, they also track our every move! Both authors explain that "these devices are also taking note of what we buy,where and when we buy it, how much money we have in the bank…". That's where people argue that technology is a negative aspect of our lives. Most of us do not like the idea of being "tracked" every where we go, or what we do. It's mind blowing to think that if someone wanted to find us, we can be found quickly. Law enforcement uses this feature of "trackers" to their advantage, which I guess is a good thing when something bad occurs. When their is a crime that happened, police can put pieces together quicker due to the evidence on our phones, which is good because it helps them solve crimes. 'Trackers" have their advantages and disadvantages and it'll continue to be this way. 

1 comment:

  1. I agree with you Kyla Technology has advanced so much in the past couple of years and it's not going to get any slower any time soon, and surveillance devices and surveillance techniques will be able to track more then they can today. The police and government will most defiantly be funding new this.


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