Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 29, 2015

The Importance of TED Talks

When we first started this unit was the first time I have watched or even heard of a TED Talk. Before this I had never kown that these video's existed, but I am glad that I was introduced to them. At first, I really did not care for them, and only watched them while we were in class and did not think about them any other time, but once I really started to watch them I realized that they can be extremely helpful. Since we are working on our research papers and the subject of food is always in conversation, I have found that these TED talks can be very good resources, and they give out so much information about various subjects. These TED talks , for me at least, allow me to research information, but instead of me having to read about the content, I just watch and listen to someone as they tell me everything I am researching. The one thing I found extremely interesting about the TED talks is how popular they are. I am surprised that I had not heard about them before now because of how popular they are, and how much they mean to so many people. I had not known that these TED talks travel around the world, and thousands of people get the opportunity to share their knowledge and information about various subjects and problems that the world has. Because of this, I feel that TED talks are more important because we do not just here about the problems that occur in the U.S., but we get to hear what is going on around the world, and what can be done to help. Now that I have been introduced to such a good resource, I have used it multiple times, and will continue to do so for anything. But for now, I will use TED talks to get my research paper done, just as many of you guys will be doing, hopefully.    

1 comment:

  1. Yeah I know what you mean Adam, he subjects of the TED talks are all interesting and it does beat having to read the information from an article. It's crazy because they really open your eyes even more to real life things that you weren't mindful of before, it's a great tool to use for this paper, or it's good to watch them just because.


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