People are always wondering why I don't meat,
well, that is only because I am a pescetarian and a vegetarian.
"Pescetarian? What is that?" people always ask me, a pescetarian is
the same thing as being a vegetarian, the only difference is that the only meat
that I eat is fish and vegetarians don’t eat any meat at all.
I have only been a pescetarian for almost two years
now, I used to eat meat and chicken before, I had the "typical diet",
but that had to change when I found out that I have rheumatoid arthritis on my
knees, my specialist said that the hormones that the meat contains, was making
my knees get swollen and also cause pain. Not just finding out about my illness
made me change my diet, but also, some videos that my family showed me of how
cows and chickens are treated before going into the slaughter houses, it
made me sick to the point where I will never eat meat or chicken ever again.
The movie, Food Inc., which was shown to us, only showed a 10% of what I have
Was it hard to switch from meat-eater to pescetarian?
No, it was actually pretty easy; my family supported me completely, I have
always eaten everything that I still eat, I just had to take out the chicken
and meat out of my diet, and every food that had any type of grain, I switched
it to whole-grain products.
I feel it would be a real challenge for me to even change my diet for one day because to tell you the truth, I love my meat and I can not imagine my life without it. I know it seems ridiculous but that is just me. Watching the film "Food Inc." in class of course made me feel quite disturbed , but it didn't really make me feel as if I should change my diet. I give props to anyone who can change their diet without having any temptations.