Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Due Dates.

Even though we have had these assignments for a couple weeks it's still hard to get everything turned in on time when it comes down to it. Having everything due within a couple days is a little stressful when as a senior it is very easy to procrastinate. Also in the past week and a half Mr. Geddy's class has had two projects due. I don't want to make excuses and sound lazy, but I'm sure most of the students are feeling a little pressed on time right about now. For myself, I believe I need a little bit of stress because senior year has been almost a little too easy and next year is going to hit me like a truck in college. Of course I don't want any, but I think it is good for me.


  1. I have been hearing a lot of comments about everything being due this week. But do we really have room to complain? As Fletcher said we did get all this work a couple weeks ago and were expected to be working on it. I feel like we shouldn't be mad at our teachers for them assigning work but mad at ourselves for procrastinating.

  2. I agree with Rachel because students were given plenty of time to complete the work, yet for some reason we tend to procrastinate and cram everything in at the last minute. Seniors need to step up their game or else we won't be ready for college.

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  4. I also agree with Lucy and Rachel because by now we should be responsible enough to make a note to ourselves that we need to get things done in time, but because we are so used to procrastinate from past years we tend to do it at all times. I think that we are old enough to know what we have to do and shouldn't have anyone telling us what to do, because in college no one is gonna baby us or keep reminding us that we have so-and-so due. We should really step up our game, like Lucy said, because graduation is 3 months away and after that, it is the end of everything being really easy.


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