Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 29, 2015

My take on eating raw & being Vegan

      This unit on the effects of food and the food industry has really effected the way I see food more than ever. For the most part I eat healthy foods and live a plant based diet, but it left me thinking if the food I consume is really beneficial to my well being and the well being of the planet, so for a week I tried eating purely raw unprocessed foods, but found it extremely difficult to stick to it. For the most part I ate large sums of fruit and some vegetables, but I was still left craving processed and cooked foods such as popcorn and cereal. To say the least it was a total fail. It was hard to continue doing it after 2 days, so I gave up. By eating raw I hoped to feel more energetic and hopefully get convinced enough to keep eating raw, but it was hard going out to eat and not having a cooked meal.
       People always ask me why I'm Vegan or if it is hard to stay vegan. I decided to go vegetarian a year ago after seeing how animals were treated and slaughtered, but after seeing how animals were still abused even in the dairy and egg industry I decided to go vegan. I try not to talk about it to much because Vegans are annoying, but becoming vegan is one of the best decisions I've made for my health, and I find it fairly easy to stay this way.  It makes me happy to know that animals aren't being tortured and that I am living a healthy life. After learning about GMO's and all the bad refined sugars, I have tried to eat more fresh food and less processed foods. I won't ever force or tell people to stop eating meat or dairy, but I do always  encourage people to eat more natural and unprocessed food. I may sound totally crazy, but I am a strong believer in always doing what's best for your body and health.

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same about how animals are tortured and slaughtered. I would like to go vegetarian or vegan but I feel it would be too difficult for me. I have heard from numerous people who have gone vegan that it's an overall better lifestyle and is completely rewarding. It just isn't for me although I completely support the idea and think the purpose behind it is great and it seems to be a really good lifestyle choice.


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