Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Honor Code

After reading David Brooks, "Honor Code", I felt as if I had been taken back twenty years into the past. I was taken back into a place where a war among the genders were still taking place, and the main topic yet again were the men. All I got from this article was a bunch of complaining from Brooks, he sounded whiny  and entitled. His entire article in my opinion was 100 percent excuses for the male gender. All he does is create more excuses for men, saying that they're naturally unresponsive to school and that it's the education systems fault for not catering to needs of every single male students. His entire argument was that men aren't doing that much better than women, and that women are catching up to men, and he acts as if that is a bad thing. Of course female test scores are rising because, unlike men, they haven't had centuries of having the chance to be educated until recently, so of course they're test scores were lower than males in the beginning but as time progressed so did their scores, when David Brooks starts complaining that women are making to many academic advancements and it's making male performance look shabby, he comes off as a sexist person who doesn't understand that women are just as intelligent as men.

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