Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Break the Silence

Who you think you are may not be the same person your family and friends think you are. This is why it is necessary for all of us to let the world know who we are as individuals and who we want to be in life. Right now it seems like the majority of people in this world stay silent about what they think, feel, love, hate, and fear, and they just live their lives knowing that other people may see them in a ways the don’t want to be seen. You could be the kindest, most warm-hearted person in the world, and yet there are always those people who will intentionally pick out every little flaw or mistake and use them to claim that you’re a “bad person.” This is why it is our job to tell them that our flaws do not define us.

I’ll admit that it’s not easy for us to just go up to a friend, family member, or enemy and tell them they’ve been wrong about us and we’re not the person they think we are. This has to do with the main fact that we live in a mad and twisted world where the fear of judgment and rejection sways people from standing up for themselves. It’s like the minute someone speaks out and expresses their thoughts they are immediately shut down or neglected by people who have already decided that they’re not worth listening to. A perfect example is how so many homosexuals are afraid to come out and openly admit they are gay, even to the people closest to them. This is because many of them are preparing themselves for judgment and expecting harsh criticism, which is completely unfair. All people, whether they’re gay or straight, big or small, white or colored, should be allowed to live in a world where they are not afraid to be themselves. I believe that in order for people to break their silence, we as a society must take the first step and be more open-mined, accepting, and kind to those who want their voices heard. I understand it’s hard because we sometimes judge others unintentionally because it's human nature; however, if we really force ourselves to change, more people will be able to reveal their true selves to the world.


  1. WOW, Camille this is really powerful. i agree with every word you have wrote especially with the step of us being open minded because with out that it is just going to get us nowhere and we would never reach a potential goal of being where we want to be. i felt really connected with what you saying because in my group were actually writing some similar of how people tend to hold back word because they are afraid of others reactions. our society is so judgmental that it has become something people talk about. Before no one cared about what you were called, they would have to accept the fact on what the people were called. its time we take a stand and realize how great the people round us are, no matter what they are.

  2. Woah, this was very insightful. Everything you're saying is true and I couldn't agree more with every word. The world is extremely judgmental because it's human nature, but that should change and needs to change because it causes people to be afraid to express themselves. Expressing yourself is key to finding and knowing your identity; you need to express yourself in order to grow. Ultimately people should be able to break their silence comfortably, but before that happens the world needs to be more accepting and have an open mind.


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