Every article I have read since we have begun this unit
discusses how to eat smart and know more about the process of food. But, these
articles didn't give me any knew knowledge I wasn't aware of before. I was simply
just given more insight of the food corporation. I assume the average American knows
their food just doesn't appear on their plate. So obviously they know where is
comes from. Average Americans also know the difference of organic and not; and
the difference of McDonald’s and a home cooked meal. Since the average American
is not completely oblivious to where their food originated from, why do food
politicians constantly write about the need for the consumer to be informed?
Have they ever thought we know that we are eating a McDonald’s chicken nugget,
whose meat came from a poorly raised chicken that was never exposed to the sunlight?
I know where my meat came from but I’m still eating it. All the seniors taking
ERW are now aware of how animals and plants are raised for food, but who has
actually tried to change their life style according to a food politician’s
advice? We now have been informed but not changing anything. Is it because it
is not that big of a priority to us? If we know the process of food and choose
not to change, why do people expect America to change?
I was going to just write about the same thing. this video made us aware that our food is being handled like this and that realistically no one is really going to do anything about the way they eat. it was just something that informed us on the food process. you just have to decide what to eat and if you will continue to eat the way you do