Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, March 2, 2015

Race in Our World Today

Race is a very delicate issue we deal with as United States citizens.  It seems like every other month another news story pops up about the controversy over the murder of a person over race.  The biggest problem with our world today isn't terrorism or the idea of Big Brother; but race, due to the tension it creates in the open public, workplace, and even our classrooms.  I choose not to speak out about the topic because I am afraid I will offend people with what I say because they may be taken out of context.  Unfortunately, I don't ever think we'll get over the problem of racism because the sensitivity of our people and the effects of the past will hold truly to our hearts.  Anyone who thinks our generation is "post-racial" needs to realize that racism is and forever will be an ongoing issue.  Our nation as a whole just needs to deal with each other's differences and go about with our own lives.


  1. I agree with you, race will be an ongoing issue in our country because of history. It is a difficult subject to talk about because others are sensitive to it. People just need to realize that everyone has differences, being it race or the way we speak, and people as a whole need to acknowledge it and move on; just because someone's different doesn't make them "lesser".

  2. See I have the same thoughts, I too feel like racism is going to be forever because there's always going to be people out there judging people because of the color of their skin. It's a sad reality.

  3. I completely agree, the term "post-racial" doesn't seem to fit our society quite yet. I believe that racial slurs will always be apart of our language. Even the use of some slurs have become part of our culture, but just because they have become part of our culture doesn't mean they are necessarily okay and make us post-racial. This is something that i believe we should work on too. People need to worry more about themselves rather than others and how others think. Creating a solution to this will not solve the racial problem, but many others too.

  4. I completely agree as well. No matter how many years go by, racism will always remain. It's sad, but it's the truth. There is constantly racial slurs being said by older people and even younger people, but bottom line is it won't be stopped. I believe that people overall need to work on becoming better neighbors, friends, and colleagues. We all live on this earth together, so why hate on one another? It takes more energy to be racist than to not care about the color of peoples skin.

  5. Tagging along everybody else, I believe you're correct. I've heard many people state that this generation is past racism and discrimination, but that's false. Many minorities still are treated differently because of who they truly are. Racism will never die off because there will always be somebody who believes they are superior than the other group and treats them differently and cruely.

  6. I also agree that we are in no way living in a "post-racial" society. Although some people aren't as upfront and honest about being racist like people did in the past doesn't mean that racists no longer exist and I think that it's pretty evident to see that with what's been going on in our country over these past several months. I don't and never will understand how people can have so much hate towards people just because of the color of their skin. As sad as it is I don't ever really see us living in a world where everyone loves each other for everything that they are.

  7. I strongly agree, racism will always be there because it's something that a kid is grown up on. Meaning seeing there parents degrade other races with derogatory terms

    1. Which will sooner or later catch on and create and new generation of racism. It's something that is here to stay and will never be fixed


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