Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, March 1, 2015

Roles today

Today, there are still sorts of gender roles and expectancy of males and females; however it is different than what it once was. For example, back in the day, women were not allowed to own businesses, rank highly in a corporation, or even be the main source of income in a family because that was the job of a male. Now a days, a women can just about run our country and everything would run fluently because our generation is okay with it. There are still "rules" that are expected to be followed by eah respective gender as well. For example, men are still expected to be gentlemen and pay on dates, open doors for women, and basically have good manners. Women are still expected also to do their fair share around the house such as cook and clean around. There are still some roles in this society, but in my eyes I think everything is slowly and steadily changing.


  1. In my opinion, in previous generations, the gender roles between boys and girls were more clear and everybody knew their roles. Today's generation is more expressive with themselves than other generations in the past. There are gender roles for boys and girls that exist today, even though this generation has lightened up and allowed people to express themselves the way they want to.

  2. Even though social gender roles have dramatically changed, there still are many today that get in the way of equality for women. Josiah mentioned a women can run a business with no problems but today, on average, women make less money than men but both genders can be performing the same duty. Why is this?
    Gender roles are unspoken laws that most people follow but they are not forced upon and everyone is given a choice to follow them. Women don't have a choice when it comes to salaries. I understand women are seen as the lower gender but if both genders perform the same job shouldn't they be paid the same?

  3. For the most part I see no problem with men paying on dates, or a women doing some cleaning, but I believe that it shouldn't be so heavily expected nor demanded. The way I see it, if you really want something that bad just do it for yourself. A man shouldn't be expected to always pay the bills, just as a woman shouldn't always be expected to clean. There shouldn't be a set of expectations that society lays on a specific gender.


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