Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 23, 2014


"Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you." - Carl Sandburg
     Time is a thing that we really take for granted.It's something that we think we have a lot of, but realistically we don't have much of it at all. Time has been a crucial factor of life and I've been contemplating if I actually have used it wisely. Of course I've been a very active person, going out and doing new or different things,but is that what I'm suppose to be doing? Truthfully I'm just trying to say value your time and do what makes you happy. Use the time Wisely and have fun. 


  1. Time is the great equalizer. Some people are born rich, some are born intelligent, some are born good looking. We have no control of that. But we do control how we use time. And good use of time can enable us to succeed beyond those born with advantages. And good use of time includes working productively of course, but it also includes being free, having fun, relaxing and playing. We need to balance it all out.

  2. PS Who is that old guy in the clouds?

  3. I definitely agree with this, time is something that we take for granted, most people think they have a lot of time to do whatever but in reality we do not have that much time. All I have to say is just be productive with your time and just have a purpose. Just like the quote says, "only you can determine how it will be spent" so seize the day, live it up and have fun. You should be able to look back and say that you used your time wisely, make something out of every minute.

  4. Time is something we're all running out of. It may not seem that way at the moment, but do we really know when our ticking clock will go out? It could be tomorrow, or maybe years from now. Time isn't always on our side, which is why I believe that we shouldn't dwell on what could have been. Move on. Decide that you're going to make the best of now. Do it today, not tomorrow.

  5. I love the subject of this post. Time, or the lack of, is always something I am thinking about, sometimes scaring myself. Looking at the big picture the time a human spends on earth compared to the amount of time the we don't is insurmountable, and this blows my mind. Because we have such a short amount of time on earth we shouldn't take any of it for granted. Truly, I don't know what I should be doing with my time, but I try to make it seem that I do. Life flies by, and I'm not sure if I'm ready for what is next, but I do know I'll make the most out of it.


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