Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Life After High School

          Ever since I was little I couldn't wait to be a high-schooler, and do high school things. That time finally came, and now it's almost over, in what seems like the blink of an eye. Some things that have happened in high school have shaped me into a better person, and gave me tips that can be useful for the years to come. June 18th will come faster than any of us think, and I believe I am ready, but am I really? It hasn't really hit me that once I go to college life as I know it will never happen again; I won't be able to go to school everyday and see the many familiar faces I have grown to enjoy, or walk to my next class while crackin' jokes with my best friends. Soon enough, that's all over.
          Although I know what way I want to take my career path, I'm nervous for the journey I will take to get there. I've always wanted to get away for college, that hasn't changed, but I don't think I've realized how much more is changing than just me leaving the house. Some of the friendships I have created in high school will disappear, and people will go off on their own journey's, but that's not what I want. I've spent time on creating these bonds with certain people, but I'll have to start over for the most part. Only those who are closest to me will be around, and even then, they'll be doing their own thing. Sometimes my close friends and I fantasize about going to the same college so we can share those experiences as well, but in reality, being separated is probably what is going to happen. On the bright side, I know that these are friends I will have forever, so the memories we all make can be stories we share that will last a lifetime.
          The people that I know I will miss the most is my family. The love I have for these people is crazy, and I don't know where I would be without them. Going to college far away will be tough on me as well as them, but we both know that these steps will only get me to where I want to be. My family will be there every step of the way, ad will never leave my side, and by knowing that the transition to college should be a little easier. I can't wait to see where I end up after this next stage of my life.      


  1. Hey, you posted on my digital birthday, 8:22. #justsayin'

  2. It's comforting to know that my classmates feel just like I do. It makes me sad that some of my friendships won't carry over to the next stage of my life but I have come to peace with it. I am sure I will make friends in college, but it will be like starting over and that's something I don't necessarily enjoy doing, but I'll make the best of it. Just like you, I can't wait to see where I end up in the next stage of my life.

  3. It's crazy that on June 18th we will be graduating from high school and we will begin a new chapter in our lives. We will have to adjust to the new life style that awaits us in the future. It will be very weird going to school with new faces; however, we will make new friends and we will have to make the best of what life has to offer. I agree that it is sad that most of us won't keep our friendships after high school. Plus, we will be keeping in touch with only our closest friends, but that is just what happens. No matter what we will have to be positive about it and move forward into our new lives.


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