Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

College Apps

College applications have been really stressful for me lately. These applications make me very nervous because they are my future. Just thinking about applying to colleges make me nervous for my future because I really want and need to get into a good college. The stress of going to a good college is immense because all of the members in my family have and are attending good colleges. Choosing a college to apply to can be nerve racking as well because I don't want to make a wrong choice on which schools to apply to. I guess there isn't a wrong choice for which colleges to apply to but having to choose which ones to apply to has been on my mind for months now. I also hope that my applications will be good enough to be admitted into the colleges on the top of my list. Another concern of mine is not putting enough information about myself, making it seem like I haven't done anything during my life. Of course I feel like I've done a lot with my life in my short years of existence but I fear the comparison to other applicants. I feel like I have done many extracurricular activities but I fear that those activities won't be enough. I know that I could've done many more extracurricular activities, such as ASB, Link Crew and more, but I hope that what I have done is enough. Although this process is very stressful, I have learned to enjoy it as well. I enjoy applying to colleges because I get to tell people about my accomplishments, which may sound a little self-centered but I promise that is far from what I am. Even though choosing colleges to apply to is nerve racking, it's also exciting because the thought of actually getting into these colleges is thrilling. Honestly, getting into a good college is my goal right now, I'm sure it is most of our goals at the moment. My future is the main thing I think about, I'm sure most of you think about it a lot as well because isn't that what most teenagers/young adults think about? I know it is for me and applying to colleges is just one step to making my future even better, this is why I am sending in as many applications I can to all prospective schools that my mom will pay for. I realize that this was all over the place, jumping from topic to topic, but ultimately I just hope that my college applications are good enough to get into a good college or university because my future depends on it.


  1. I have these same thoughts in my head. When I apply and reflect on my past four years I feel pretty proud of the things I have done and accomplished. Like you said, you don't want to feel self centered and neither do I but when applying for college, I feel like that boastfulness is a requirement. However, I understand your issue of not feeling good enough. As we fill out application we doubt ourselves the whole way and think negative thoughts. I think this is a normal thought for all seniors at the moment. All of us seniors need to breathe and have confidence in what we have set up for ourselves. The past four years of working hard and stressing out has had a purpose, college.

  2. Both of you girls have done plenty. You are not competing against superman and superwoman. You are competing against other students just like you -- full of doubt and worry. I'll bet if I interviewed you, I would hear many little stories where you are exhibiting one of your winning personal characteristics like leadership, compassion, patience, and initiative. You have solved a problem for someone; you have smoothed the road for someone younger than you. These are wonderful, admirable traits, and simple, humble acts can make great stories.

    Also, when you doubt yourself, think of the goofiest person you know from last year who made it into college. Think about that goofy weirdo really hard, and then think: Oh my gosh, if that person was accepted, I'm SURE I will be accepted too.

  3. College is definitely the main goal at this point. As we hear everyday in 4th period ERW we are all afraid of being braggarts but as Pat Dean said today colleges want to know about us and what makes us unique. I haven't started the application process yet but I know I have this and next week before early application deadlines. It is very nerve racking but I know that once all is said and done we will be alright. You have every right to be proud of you're achievements Cailyn, express that to colleges and let the see how you stand out from the rest. I have no doubt you will get into the college of your choice.

  4. It's a relief to know that my other classmates are going through what I'm going through. I've been stressing ever since school started about college applications and weather or not I should start applying soon but I haven't started applying at all because I feel like there is so much more I need to know about college. I can relate to Cailyn when she talks about how she could've done more extracurricular activities because I feel the same way. I just hope that my achievements and the activities I've been involved in is good enough to get into a good college.


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