Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Do What You Love

All my life I have heard that if you want to be successful in the future it is important that you choose a career that will bring you financial security. Whenever I asked the question “What about my happiness?”, the answer was always “wealth brings you happiness.” While for some this may be true, I do not agree with this in any way. Just because someone has money and power does not necessarily mean that they are happy. In fact, they might be absolutely miserable because they decided to live their lives trying to live up to the expectations of others rather than believing in themselves and making their own decisions. My personal belief is that if you truly want to be successful in the future, you should to what YOU want and not what everyone else wants you to do, because that will bring you ultimate happiness.
            Over the years I’ve noticed that the people who tell us to find a successful, good-paying job tend to be those who are much older than us. They always use their own past experiences to try and convince us that having money is the most important thing in the world. However, they don’t realize just how much our world is changing. Our generation is filled with artists of all kinds and individuals with unique abilities. Colleges are searching for uniqueness and individualism among their applicants because they want students who will be bring something new and exciting to their school. They look for those who are passionate about what they do because they see the drive they have and they see the potential for them to have a successful life, even if what they are passionate about is not considered a “normal” profession.
             This is why I believe that when we are applying to colleges we should really take the time to think about what we want to major in. Some advice would be to isolate yourself from the world for an hour or two just to think about your own future without others around you influencing you. Instead of focusing on what your parents, family, and friends expect of you or how much money you should make, focus on what you truly want to do in life and what you are most passionate about. I honestly believe that if you pursue what you love in the future you will have a happy and successful life.


  1. I, personally, have never had someone tell me to have a profession even if I am unhappy because the pay is good. That is a comment that I would have to shake my head and disagree upon if this were said to me. I guess that makes me surrounded by positive and thoughtful people. (Not saying the people you surround yourself with are negative and selfish.) I'm glad you are smart enough to go down the healthier path rather than narrow minded. I'm also glad I was always taught to do what makes me happy, without the great people I surround myself with I don't know where I would be. (This got a little off topic but showing my appreciation just felt right.)

  2. I totally agree with you that wealth doesn’t bring anyone happiness. I hear of cases where parents force their kids to a certain career and at the end the child ends up changing majors or just dropping school in general. All that time wasted could’ve been used wisely, only if they had followed their dreams and not others. I think we shouldn’t listen to what society expects from us and just do what we want. Every individual is unique and we shouldn’t be scared of being the odd one out.


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