Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, October 27, 2014

Stress in ERW

All of high school I took extra/harder classes to make my senior year stress free. Sadly, it seems as if ERW is turning that dream around. My other classes give me work but not so many at once. Ms. Fletcher gives us calendars, tells us almost everyday what we are doing, yet I still feel so lost. Just walking into the class scares me wondering what other assignments are going on that I didn't know about. I have a small notebook that I write my homework in everyday, and today, just in ERW, took a whole page. A WHOLE PAGE. I had Ms. Fletcher last year, so coming into the class I knew what she was looking for, yet I only have a B in her class. (I was and still am aiming for straight A's all year.) I can't imagine the kids who are just hearing all this at once for the first time. I knew this would be my hardest class, but I never thought I'd be so stressed. It's my senior year! Before I leave all the way across the country for college. I want to enjoy my last months and not be so worried about vocab that I most likely will never use, or a Peter Elbow project that will probably never be thought of again. I don't say this to diss Ms. Fletcher or the class, just to express my frustration that I and many others may have.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Finally someone has wrote about this, at first i thought i was the only one that seemed totally confused. I began to have second thoughts of taking the class because i began to feel overwhelm with the work , but i remember many seniors from last year were explaining to me that they had enjoyed the class so much, that is why i decided to take it. Now i don't hate the class but the fact that i feel overwhelmed and a bit disorganized is making me a bit stressed and i am not even applying to any type of university. so i should feel l fine but i don't. Although i know that it is part of my fault to for not trying to keep up with calendar and even procrastinating on certain homework assignments. i just feel that when i turn to my notebook i have no idea where to begin and your right about the trying not to diss Ms. Fletcher Because she truly knows what she is teaching.

  3. I would agree with what you have to say Heidi. The amount of work that we are getting in ERW is way more compared to other classes.I know that the work that Mrs. Fletcher is giving us is going to be important in the future, but you're right the vocabulary and Peter Elbow work was a little excessive with all the personal statement material that is due this week. I've never been in an AP class but this class is like the other 2 honors English classes that I have taken, and it feels like the same amount of work. It's unfair how we get the same amount of work as honors classes and not getting an extra point added to our gpa. I'm just hoping that this week flies by so I can get all the personal statement, Peter Elbow, and vocabulary material off my plate for a little.

  4. I hear what you have to say Heidi, but in my case I never took harder classes to push my brain. The reason why I most likely won't be attending a four-year university next year is because I have to get a SAT score that is through the roof. I'm actually glad to have a class for once that's going to push me and get me ready for any college I attend next.


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