Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014


I'm happy to see that I've stopped my procrastination finally. Since Mrs. Fletcher gave us a calendar ahead of time, I knew when everything was going to be due. I'm actually proud of myself for getting all of my drafts done before they were actually due. Now, I have finished my other writing such as my letter to a trusted friend and my video project.
Over my four years at Mayfair, I have learned many things but the one thing I can say is the most important is actually not procrastinating. Frsshman year, barely starting high school, I was not the same person I am today. I was that kid that didn't cafe, was constantly late to classes, never did Ang work, and gave attitude to teachers. Then bullshitting my way through an AP ans two honors classes, I realized I made a huge mistake by procrastinating on my work when it came time to the testing in May. That year I decided to do a little better and focused on just honors classes. Since then, I've learned a lot. Now, being a senior has really emphasized this rule because we are adults now; we have jobs that we need to be on time to, we have cars in need of fixing and maintenance, and we have other responsibilities that need tending to. With procrastination, none of us can get our stuff done and won't be all that successful in the future. 
With college applications coming to a close, all of us at seniors need to really focus on that. Even if you plan on attending a junior college like Cerritos or Long Beach city, focus on the stuff you need to get done! From the real applications to other things like picking classes, everything has a deadline. Not trying to throw anyone under the bus, but my friend who just graduated had thought she was going to big places and just because she missed a few deadlines, she stuck taking the year off! She had really wanted to go her dream university but these colleges do not play! She's now stuck doing nothing everyday all day. I'm not saying taking a year off is bad but  if you really want to pursue your dreams, pay attention to the deadlines!
So in conclusion, I'd like to thank Mayfair, especially senior year, the importance of not procrastinating. And I'd like to thank my unknown friend for making these mistakes and letting me learn from them!  


  1. I understand what you mean Austin. These past couple of years at Mayfair would have been less stressful if I hadn't waited till the last minute to do my work. However, I'm glad that we are finally going through the process of applying to college because it does show us the importance of not procrastinating. I also agree that applications should be our number one priority right now, but we also have to remember not to forget about the work we have in our classes (as many seniors do around this time). Also, thank you for sharing that story about your friend. It has pushed me to try and complete my college applications even earlier than I had originally planned because I don't want to risk missing any of my deadlines.

  2. I enjoyed reading your post Austin. I am right there with you because I also, procrastinated and slacked off very much in my early years of high school. I soon realized that I can't be doing this forever, so I changed my ways drastically and I can see my improvements starting with my junior year. I got really good grades and was pleased with my efforts, especially because I didn't procrastinate very much. As well, I must not wait the last minute to do my college applications. They are very important regarding my future in life. I too am very glad that Ms. Fletcher gave us a calendar of what we will be doing in class. It really helped me as well, in planning and managing my time wisely.

  3. I agree with you Austin. In the first couple of years of high school I slacked off a lot and didn't really think about my grades and how important they would mean to me now. My siblings would always tell me that I should study, not procrastinate, and keep my grades up, but I didn't really take them seriously because they weren't doing the same. Looking back I wish I had listened to them then, but thankfully last year I decide to take their advice and to really try hard in school. I took 3 AP classes, stopped procrastinating, and studied more. Although I didn't get the grades that I initially wanted, I still got good grades and that's all because I stopped lollygagging and really focused on my school work.


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