Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Expectations for College Life and Experience

I have really high expectations for my college experience. I want to squeeze every ounce of anything and everything I can out of it. College just seems like it is going to be a great experience, but I don’t want to have too high of expectations because I don’t want to be disappointed.
There are so many things to do while at college like join a sorority, clubs, etc. I just don’t know what I would want to do, extracurricular wise. I feel like I will join clubs because it is a good way to meet people and expose myself to different things.
When I talk to my older brothers, Aaron and Tristan, they tell me that they like college way more than high school, in some aspects. Aaron specifically told me that he knows I would like college life because it is independent; like living on your own, etc. Being away for college is something that I want, but not as far away as my brothers are. I want to be close enough to home so it isn’t difficult for me to go home when I would like to, but I don’t want to be close enough to where my parents could be completely in my business. I want the full college experience: living on campus, joining clubs, going to school events and more.
When it comes to my major I know what I want to do: I am going to major in Pre-Med. My dream is to become a doctor, I am not completely sure what kind of doctor: OB/GYN, Pediatrician, Podiatrist or Neurologist, but I’ll make up my mind during med school. Since I enjoy medicine and everything medical I know I will have fun going through the Pre-Med program at whichever school I choose. I do realize that the program won’t be easy, but what major is? I am looking forward to college being challenging, I like challenges, especially academic ones because it improves my way of thinking and tests my knowledge and my ability to gain and retain it.
All in all, I really can’t wait to go to college. I have an idea of how it is going to be but I can’t be sure it will be exactly how I picture it. Sometimes I don’t want it to be how I picture it because I want to be surprised, there’s no fun if you already know what’s going to happen. I look forward to making new friends, trying new things, learning great information and ultimately, enjoying it.


  1. In my personal opinion I want to be further away from home because I want to get like a new start on things. I don't want to be tied to the past. College will be difficult, it is a challenge because if it wasn't then everyone would get accepted and everyone would be successful in lif

  2. I couldn't agree more. Just like any new experience or challenge we choose to take on, I believe that it's important to take advantage of the opportunity to make it worthwhile. How often do we get a chance to go back and change things or do things differently? Not often. Which is why I encourage everyone to make their college experience memorable and beneficial.


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