Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, October 27, 2014

My life, My choice.

Lately i have been stressing on the fact on where should try to apply for college. I have both of parents telling me where i should try to attend school at because it is convenient for them since i don't drive right at this moment. Just because i don't drive at this exact moment doesn't mean that i am going to be like that forever. Just because it is convenient for them doesn't mean i am just going to do it to make them happy. Its MY LIFE and MY CHOICE. Although at the same time i do feel that i don't know what i am doing so i feel like i have to rely on them to help me choose but once i had attended the college fair , it had helped me realize that i don't want to start at Cal State, because what would happened if i started to attend a Cal state and i come to the decision that college isn't for me and i wasted all that money that my parents spend. So i made the decision that i am just going to start out in community college because if i feel like its not for me then i know that i would have only wasted a little less money than i would have in a Cal State. I did tell my parents my decisions and one of them did seem OK with the fact that i wanted to start out in community, but on the other hand, my mother was not so happy. Yes she does want me to do better than what she has, she is just worried that if i do community that i am just going to drop out because i am not in some type of university. In a way i do understand my mom because she had tried to go community college and she didn't like it as much, so she had just dropped out, but at the same time i told my mom that i am not like her, yes she was totally different than i am. So with that i feel as if i am not going to drop out because its going to be my choice not to, and if i do, then it will be my choice for my my life. Additionally  going to the college fair had opened my mind because at first i thought community was going to be bad idea but actually i am happy with the decision i am making.


  1. I completely agree with you that community college is a reasonable and beneficial option after high school. Having experienced the same situation with my parents, I understand how difficult it is to convince them that community college is not as terrible as everybody makes it out to be. It confuses me how parents will tell you how proud they are of you and how they can't believe you are a senior, and yet they still want to make every decision for you because they think they always know what is best. I'm glad you decided to make your own choice because it shows that you are preparing for adulthood where it is always up to you to decide what you want. To be completely honest I think that the reason why our parents always try to make our decisions for us, especially during this time when we are applying to college, is because they are afraid that they'll lose us as we move into the next chapter of our lives.

  2. Trust me Victoria, your parents aren't the only ones like that, my parents are the same way when it comes to this topic. My parents want me to attend a UC school and I couldn't blame them for wanting the best for me. But In my opinion when it comes to life changing decisions, parents should leave it up to their kids to make decisions. But also in moments like this we have to understand that our parents just want the best for us in life. However, our parents need to have faith and trust in us when it comes to making big decisions like this. We as young adults need to learn for ourselves how it feels to make BIG decisions such as college choices.


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