Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014


The amount of pressure on us at this point of the year is crucial. Our parents and counselors are pressuring us to apply as deadlines quickly approach for college admission applications.  We also have pressure coming from our teachers, coaches, and peers causing us to have so much to do in such little time. Us athletes are preparing to go into our last seasons, having faith that it'll be the best season we would have, and those of us who take honor in succeeding in the classroom are pushing to get that highest grade. Regardless of all the pressures we must remember to not let it discourage us. All the stress and pressure  will soon turn into an accomplishment we will all be honored to have. Success is waiting for us class of 2015.

1 comment:

  1. I'm definitely feeling the pressure, all of us are. I look forward to the rewards at the end of the year but challenges still await us. Whoever said senior year was the easiest, lied. I am, as well as many of us, overwhelmed and am looking forward to thanksgiving break now more than ever.


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