Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, October 30, 2014

A change of heart(the other post wasn't finished)

     During freshman year, I'd think to myself about high school, I usually associated it with the long boring classes where everyone is either deadly silent or irritatingly loud.  I knew I needed to "endure" this horrible process for the next 3 years up until it was time for college(which at the time scared the hell outta me!).  At certain times during the year, I'd wake up at 7:00 mumbling to myself, "why do I need geometry!?!", and rush to school.  But as I went through high school, I stopped complaining about the basic questions everyone was asking.  I personally just dealt with it and did my work, answered questions to the best of my ability, and usually earned most of the points on quizzes and tests.
      As the years passed I gained a better understanding that high school wasn't supposed to be boring, it was so we could be better prepared for the world outside of school and even college.  From my personal perspective, it morphed from a dull experience to a fun, social, and educational adventure.  I have learned a great deal of things and will continue to for the course of the year.  I have also made many friends, some of who will remain to be very close to me.  Until death do us part, once a Monsoon, always a Monsoon!  

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