Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Sunday, October 26, 2014

The End pt. 1

     It's crazy to think that I'm a senior now, and especially in football, it's crazy to think that my season is almost over. Just thinking that it was my last time playing La Mirada, Downey, and Bellflower really just puts me in reality, it's about to be over. The time that I have been waiting for is coming but I just don't want it to be here yet.  I want to play more games and have more fun.
     Freshman year all I was thinking about was varsity football and how I couldn't wait until I was there. My football career was just beginning and I was excited to see how hugh school football was. After all the time I spent watching it when I was younger, I just wanted to experience it.
     Sophomore year was finally my time to get that experience, and i got to experience it with my brother. That was probably one of my favorite years of football because I gained a lot of experience that year while playing side by side with my brother.
     Junior year was probably one of my least favorite years and that's when I really wanted football to end. I wasn't doing good according to my standards and I was just over it, I still had fun though. One moment I remember is senior night last year when I seen the seniors running down that lane, I wanted to be with them, I wanted it to be my senior night too. Little did I know, it was going to come faster than I thought.
     People always told me to enjoy your senior year that it was going to go by fast, I didn't really know what they were talking about until now. My football games have flown by and I honestly don't even remember my first 6 games. I've been having a bunch of fun though, all of the seniors on the team have.  The years before don't compare to this year, I really don't want it to end because it's the best year of my life. It's almost over now and I already know I'm going to miss it.
     My advice to everyone who's season is coming up is to cherish it. Before you know it it will be over and you'll feel the way I'm feeling, amazed. Just have fun and make the best of it, it's going to wind down fast.


  1. Aww Faizzy I feel the same way when it comes to cheer! I'm so stunned that it's my last year being on the cheer team. I've made so many memories and bonds with the girls on my team and I'm so sad that I won't be able to create anymore after graduation. Being on the cheer team has taught me so much, and I can't express that enough. Cheer has taught me to be more caring, responsible and it even taught me to be a leader. Being cheer captain of my squad means everything to me, and it means even more that I have girls younger than me looking up to me. It has really been a blessing to be on the cheer team for 3 years straight and for my senior year to be captain. No one understands my passion for cheer and the love I have for my squad and coach. It's been a blessing being on cheer, and being captain is the most memorable moment I've accomplished yet!

  2. Faizon, man, reading this gave me the chills. I got the chills because I realized that we've been bestfriends ever since freshman football, and now it's our senior year. Like you, I feel that these two years of football have been the most fun, but also have gone by the fastest. It really is crzay that we will never strap up against La Mirada or Bellflower again, and its all just a blur. The advice you give I couldn't agree more with because the seasons do fly by. I'm glad we got to share many moments.


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