Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Tuesday, October 28, 2014


          All I've been thinking about is my life after high school. Im honestly scared to see what's next in life for me, but Im also excited. Theres a part of me that wants high school to be over just so that I can see myself grow as an adult but the other part of me wants to stay in high school forever because everything is constant and predictable. 
          Life is unpredictable. And that's the scary part. No matter how much I think about how I want my life to go, there is no guarantee that it will plan out the way I want it to. I have so many hopes and many dreams to graduate college, own my own house and have all the other luxuries people crave in life. But the reality is I can't be for sure, my hopes and dreams aren't for sure. The thought is still unbelievable that I'm a senior because I remember being a freshman just like it was yesterday and not having any worries at all because I was young. But Im a senior now and I have so many responsibilities to uphold and so many worries about life in general. 
          Although Im a senior with worries and responsibilities, I don't think that it has actually hit me yet. Yeah Im a senior and Im stressing. Ok. But I still feel like a kid, and I act so goofy around my friends majority of the time that sometimes I have to ask myself, "are seniors supposed to act this way?" These are thoughts that go on in my head unanswered. And I don't expect an answer now but I guess I just need a real reality check. Maybe I'll get it when I apply to college, or at senior seminar, or even at graduation, the last event. Who knows! I just hope that whenever I get this "reality check" that I am ready to take on everything full force! I hope that everything can become clearer to me and I hope to have a perfect view of my path, but for now all I can do is live in the moment and go with the flow. 

1 comment:

  1. You couldn't be any more right saying "life is unpredictable" because it really is. It is actually scary because you don't know what's next, all you can do is just try to control the things you can control to shape your future the way you want it to be. It's going to hit you soon though.


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