Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

There's No Wrong Choice

 I keep hearing of people stressing out because they want to be accepted into a prestigious university, but I honestly don’t worry about it. These colleges may give us privileges but just going to them wouldn’t guarantee our success. Everyone is going to start off with GEs  so there isn’t any difference at other college choices. If you start from the “bottom”, you can just persevere to reach the top. As long as we continue our education and not be couch potatoes, we can succeed wherever we choose to go.
Some people already have the college of their choice set and aren't open to other options. I don’t have any preference and actually would choose any as long as I can continue my education. I don’t underestimate myself in being accepted to a prestigious school but I wouldn’t mind starting at a community college. I hate the fact that some people look down on you when you tell them you are going to community college. In my opinion, community college has the benefit of being cheaper and can also lead to success. We are just beginning with GEs so there is always the option of transferring afterwards. I believe any college is a good college, if the individual has the will to learn and pursue their dreams. Walt Disney is one of my inspirations and as he once said, “ All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”
A college degree is said to give us a better job but it isn’t easy. Some people have made it to those top universities but didn’t have a positive outcome. The prices of some four year universities are very high and at the end some people change their majors or drop out. How many people haven’t gone into debt after those student loans? The money and time wasted can’t be gained back and the feeling of failure is inevitable. We all have failures but we just have to learn from them instead. On the contrary, some people have been accepted into top universities and succeeded so at least make an attempt.  
          So I am just trying to say that don’t stress out or get disappointed about not being accepted into that prestigious school you always wanted because it meant more success. Don’t rely on only one but expand your choices. In my opinion wherever you guys all decide to go in the future, the obstacles you overcame to reach your goals, are the ones that define and truly make you successful. Don’t feel inferior because of other people but take pride in yourself. Now is there really a difference starting from a community college or a four year university? You should be the one to make that decision and just know that both will provide you with an education. 

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that it's what you make of it. Even the person with the best education and the most money can be beat out by someone who doesn't have money or wasn't given the best education, but they always worked hard. Success in life should be about knowledge and hard work, and not by the school name on your college diploma. I believe that if anyone works hard enough that they can succeed even if they went to community college or a technical school. Believe in yourself and so will others.


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