Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Monday, October 27, 2014

My School Career

          High school  has definitely been a challenge. And I think I can speak for everyone when it comes to that topic. But before I was in high school I couldn't wait to be a freshman, and once I was in high school, I couldn't wait for it to be over! But now to think that my high school career is about to be over is nerve racking and scary. I never believed it when people said "high school years fly by", but it really does. It's crazy to think about how  I'm no longer that freshman that roamed around school looking clueless. Or that sophomore that was too cool for school. Or even that junior who at one point wanted school to be over. I am now that senior. That senior who walks around with their head up high feeling powerful and prominent to be the highest of the chain.
          Being a senior in high school has its pros and cons but overall the feeling is bittersweet. One pro to being a senior is it's the best year of high school and you get to do all of the fun senior activities. And one con to being a senior is that your high school years are about to be over and the next stage in life is college or anything else you have planned. That's why the idea of being a senior is a bittersweet type of feeling. Don't get me wrong I'm excited for my senior year and I'm ready for life after high school but I know I'm going to miss cheering at every school event and going to all school functions, but most of all I'm going to miss the familiar faces and the people I've been around  all four years because I know once high school is over, I'm not going to see most of them.
          It's sad to think about high school coming to an end but I am prepared for the next course in my life. I can truly say I am well prepared for the next stage in my life and there is no doubt in my mind that I wont succeed.


  1. Senior year is a very bittersweet year. I feel the exact same way as you do on this topic. I've grown to love high school. I love being a senior and being the highest of the chain, it's a great feeling. But I'm also excited for life after college. I will also miss the familiar faces and my favorite teachers. High school really did go by quickly and I know this year will too.

  2. Yes we're the highest on the chain and that fells pretty good. All the regular actives we're doing right now during our senior year will come to an end in June but new ones will come into our life's. Hopefully all good. I like your post Kyla!

  3. The way you felt about freshman year is the way I felt about senior year. Because my mom was an ASB director, ever since I was little I've been around all of the exciting senior activities. I was very close to some of her students and they always told me how fun everything used to be senior year. Applying to colleges, graduation, grad night, and the last of everything was what I truly looked forward to. Still I will miss my team, friends, and teachers as this final year flies by.


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