Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

SAT... Is It Fair?

     The SAT is the dreaded test of all high schooler's, especially juniors and seniors. Maybe you study maybe you don't, but that score will determine which college you won't get into. But, is this test fair? Is this is this test a true reflection on our knowledge?

     My opinion, the SAT test does not reflect what we have learned throughout high school. We have to study and study because half the words on the SAT test, we never heard of before. The SAT vocabulary is ridiculous compared to the regular vocabulary of any English class.

     The goal is to get as high of a score as you can out of 2400. To even get above a 2000 is a very rare. Some of the smartest kids in our class only get 1700, maybe. When you look up the average score is only a 1500, how can we strive for 2400 if practically no one can get there? Is this test necessary or should at least be changed to a more understanding of all vocabulary? Is this test necessary or should we change the test to make it more understandable and realistic?


  1. I couldn't agree with you more Shannon. The SAT was not as hard as I expected it to be but I do not lake the fact that half of the questions on there, I had never heard of. Like the vocabulary words... Um half of those words I haven't heard of, even in the dictionary (I don't read the dictionary but maybe I should to pass this lame SAT!) Anyway, yeah I don't like how it doesn't test what we learned but hey, gotta do what we gotta do.

  2. I do agree with what you are saying Shannon. The SAT does contain some questions that can be a little odd or have words that I have never come across before. Although, I do feel that the SAT is necessary. Colleges need something else to go off of other than our grades. I know that some people aren't the best test takers but students have to learn to develop that skill since a lot of our classes revolve around tests. I also think the SAT is fair because we are offered different options to help improve our scores such as SAT prep books or SAT classes/boot camps. The SAT could probably be revised to be more realistic to what we are really learning in the class room but overall I think it's acceptable.


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