Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Response to "A Change of Heart about Animals"

     Jeremy Rifkin is the author of "A Change of Heart about Animals", and in his article he mentions a lot of unfolding information that we humans never really knew about. Rifkin states that through all of the big experiments and critical testings, there has been vital information that scientist have seemed to fail to mention. He states, "What these researchers are finding is that many of our fellow creatures are more like us than we had ever imagined." Rifkin goes on to explain that many humans do not realize how often scientist experiment on animals. And we also don't realize that these are living organisms, just like us.
     Animal rights activist have a reason to their uncommon, love like behavior toward animals, and the rest of us humans never cared enough to find out why they care. But times have changed now. Notably, animals do have feelings just like humans and it's depressing that we never realized it, or cared to think about it. "They feel pain, suffer and experience stress, affection, excitement and even love - and these findings are changing how we view animals." Throughout this article, there is an abundance of pathological information and this definitely has altered the way humans feel about animals. Humans are changing their feelings toward animals because now there are many questions, and protests being raised on this subject.
     Rifkins intended purpose wasn't for humans to go from hating animals, to loving animals, his purpose was to expand and deepen our empathy toward creatures and life itself. He points out that animals are just like us. And its mind blowing that scientist are putting animals through inhumane conditions and torturing them. Rifkin wants us to expand our hearts and be more humble toward the "broader community of creatures with whom we share this Earth."I stand by everything Rifkin says and I believe that we should change our actions because they have feelings just like we do.


  1. I agree with what Kyla Orozco is saying. After I read the article by Jeremy Rifkin I felt a deeper empathy for these animals. He made me feels as if we were hurting our own kind and we would never purposefully do that like we do to them. I as well believe that we should slowly start to change our ways and be in harmony with the other animals that were put on this earth with us

  2. I have always had an intense love towards animals, mostly pets, but this article opened my eyes to see that in this world there is not just cats and dogs, there are other animals that we should care and look out for.


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