Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, December 4, 2014


I wasn't really excited about this new section were in. I think that probably because I really like animals a lot and I feel theyy deserve more rights than they have. Everytime there are school things related to animals being abused i get two different types of feels.I either get really sad and depressed and do not want to talk about the topic or I get really angry and just go off and say random facts abput how animals deserve rights. I feel like some things shouldn't be talked about in class and this maybe being one of them. After reading the articles by Victoria Braithwraite and Jeremy Rifkin it opened up my eyes more to the suffering of the animals. They really did a great job of convincing me to be more on the side of the animals. I felt for the animals when they used examples of how the animals were human like. I flet like they were one of us and i felt great empathy for them. The thing that mad me super mad though was the "Letter to the editor in responses to "A Change of Heart about Animals." This guy Lois Frazier really pissed me off. It seemed as if he pulling pulling random stuff out of his rear end. Especially me being on the side of the animals and him totally contradicting it with non facts was really irritating. On a good note it was a very interesting section that I appreciated learning more about. It's nice to read something that I have a great opinion on.

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