Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014


Do we truly know what is being brought upon the articles we have been reading annotating? I've been constantly hearing people say this is about the physical feelings of animals and emotion of animals. While the articles are written about that, that is not the main topic. The main topic for each individual article is trying to get us to understand how to use ethos, pathos and logos. Edlund begins showing us examples of using ethos by creating images through character word choices and style. He also explains logos by creating logical arguments that causes assumptions. Edlund states that arguments are based off of probabilities rather than certain truth. He also acknowledges the emotional effect (pathos) by giving examples of emotions such as anger, frustration, being anxious and being excited. These methods of getting your point across is what is trying to be accomplished, not whether fish experience pain or if nonhuman animals should be treated differently. 


  1. We have similar post and I like the feeling that I wasn't the only one with these confusing thoughts. Obviously I agree with you. I know you understand the concept of these articles but does everyone else? I feel like their might be a wave of confusion throughout the class because they are not fully grasping the concept. Like I said in my post, I think this because we are caught up in doing our work on time for all those points instead of realizing we aren't just annotating animal rights articles; we are attempting to understand the way these writers use language to persuade our views.

  2. This post alone made me understand what we are suppose to be learning I knew that was the concept but you explained the concept a little more by referring to the article.

  3. I completely understand what you're saying. People might not be necessarily confused on this concept and the purpose of this unit but maybe they just got into the animal rights topic. With that being said the animal rights articles are just there as a tool so that we can see how these elements are being used in writing. Also, the way you described ethos, pathos, and logos was a clear and straight forward explanation and should help anyone who is having trouble understanding.


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