Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Op-Ed Article

The piece I chose was an article about Eric Garner.  If you do not know who he is or know his story I suggest you look into it.  This story was painful and angering to read; the video which has gone viral is even worse.  It happened months ago and I believe I watched the video on twitter but I came across it again and this time I looked more into it.  Eric Garner did nothing wrong; however, his life was taken.  He was choked to death by a police officer, Daniel Pantaleo, who was later found not guilty.  I find it so crazy how there is video evidence of it all going down and the guy still got away with it.  The police officer was questioning Garner and claimed he was selling cigarettes individually on the street.  Which is illegal I guess, but to be taken down and choked to death for it? I didn't even have to state that Eric Garner was African American; it is obvious.  Incidents like this happen way too often  to innocent black males and something needs to be done.  You never see these things happen to innocent white people, why do cops have the need to treat one race different than the other? It is not right at all and I'm not sure what there is to do besides what is going on now, protest.

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