Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

A Solution

I have read that some people do not fully understand what the lesson is in our packets. The students think that they are learning about fish emotions or animal rights. At first, I thought this too. That was always what we were talking about. May it be the break or the reading material itself, I didn't get that it was completely about ethos. logos, and pathos until I read Rachel's post. It just didn't cross my mind.

Is there a solution? I think so.

Some may agree with me and some may not, but I think we should take a break from the numerous article packets. I understand that this is a English class and reading is half of what we do, but when its getting to the point where the students aren't understanding what the main lesson is, try something new; switch it up. Lets try an actual interactive lesson? If it doesn't work, then go back to the way it was. I believe that if  rather than reading it out loud, where they can mess around or having them read it themselves, which lets face it, they won't, we try to get the class to actually participate. I would rather do a worksheet and understand whats going on rather than reading a related article and being confused.

Note to Fletcher:
In no way am I criticizing your teaching. And I am sorry if I or anyone has said something about the packets that might have offended you. I  am just simply suggesting a way to get more seniors who don't want to do anything (senioritis) more intellectually involved.


  1. Truthfully, I believe everything she said is true but even with more visual and interactive work you will get the same thrill as the articles. The students themselves lack the motivation to do the work. Me myself procrastinate work and just push it off. I believe you should space out each assignment and give them in smalle packages with that you can make deadlines closer and push through material faster.

  2. I totally agree, mixing it up can be good for the class, giving the class something they can relate to can really make a difference. I mean think about it, the next time the class gets crazy, think about what was said right before it.

  3. I am with you on this one, I do believe that a different way of this class being taught is a great idea. I do feel lost at various times, and it's not until a night before that an assignment is due and that Fletcher explains in full detail that i kinda understand. Yes, the articles are a great way of teaching because of the information but since it becomes a pattern of just reading and annotating, we start lacking of effort.


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