Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, December 4, 2014

My Experience with the Unit

I was really nervous to start this unit because of the amount of work it seemed to be. For example, when we first starting writing rhetorical prĂ©cises I didn’t like them and I was profoundly irritated and confused by them, even though they are very simple. I have grown to enjoy writing rhetorical prĂ©cises. I think it was one of those things that you have to get a hang of before it becomes comfortable and enjoyable. The articles that we read for this unit were quite intriguing to me because last year, in Anatomy, we talked about animals’ rights and our views on using them for testing. Reading these articles opened my mind to something I hadn’t really thought of in a serious way. I didn’t know that fish could feel until we started the unit and I am happy that I do now because it is one more thing that I am aware of.  Braithwaite’s article was my favorite one and I wrote my on demand essay on her article, I agreed with her on the topic. Rifkin’s article and video were very insightful, he brought things into light that I wouldn’t have ever thought of or realized for years. I thoroughly enjoyed his video and what he had to say about empathy and our “empathic civilization” because the information he provided was great. I love learning things like this because they cause me to wonder, think and research more. I think I like researching more because of this class and I now like reading articles and learning about things happening in the news. The Op-Ed piece was probably my favorite assignment of the unit because it was on whatever topic I chose. I didn’t realize it until we started this unit but I like reading opinionated work because I love to disagree, agree and agree to disagree, but I just enjoy seeing what others think about certain topics. Overall, I liked this unit, I didn’t think I would but I did. The amount of work seemed like an immense amount because of the way it was given out but once I started it I realized it wasn’t much to do.

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