Musings and Whiteboard Shots

Thursday, April 2, 2015

Research Paper

While writing this paper for ERW I have learned many things about my writing skills, and the way I go through the writing process. The paper that I produced is by far not the best piece of writing that I have produced. When I enjoy my topic, and am very interested I have the ability to write a very good paper. I had very little interest in the politics of food because all the information that I learned in this unit have been talked about in news, and media already. The food inc movie that we watched in class was very interesting but for the most part I already new that our food was produced that way. One thing I learned from that video was that you can own rights to a type of bean. So as I was saying in the beginning, my paper isn't the best but I did learn some valuable skills that made me a better writer. I learned how to cite properly, research information, and how to create a good thesis statement that gives the reader a good sense of what your paper will be about. I will have to write many more papers in college, but my major is sports buisness and sports is what I love so it will be fun to write about topics that I have plenty of interest in. 

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